Thursday 9 September 2010



After some 28 plus years in the business, I am finally putting together a show reel. 

The exercise has got me reflecting on some of the interesting projects I’ve been part of.  As you can imagine, there are hours and hours of footage to work through, and as they say, “every picture tells a story”. It’s amazing when you look back… how much you’ve completely forgotten about! Oh dear, I must be getting old.

However, glancing at my CV again brought the stories back to mind. On one memorable occasion, I was on the Isle of Bute filming a German production called "3D Halloween" – the first 3D film I’d ever worked on. We were on a week of night shoots, and had returned to our hotel around 6.30am. Whilst the other guests were preparing for their days adventures with an early breakfast, we were amusing them by taking advantage of the “honesty bar”, as anyone would after finishing a ‘day’ of work (you don’t see many of them around these days.)

As if this wasn’t enough to mess with our body clocks, we were then subjected to a total eclipse – the first one I’d ever seen. We all stumbled and staggered our way onto the beach overlooking Rothesay Bay, and witnessed one of the most intriguing astronomical events.  As the eclipse took hold of the morning, the dawn chorus was interrupted by what the birds must have mistaken for a very early dusk – and just as they were beginning to settle down for the night, the day began again. The birds were confused, and it’s fair to say we were pretty baffled as well.  

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